January 2, 2012

Book Report Template: Fiction - Free Worksheets

Book report templates seem to be the most popular on my blog, so I am re-publishing an old post. Simply right-click on an image, and either save to a file or print directly from this blog site. You do have to print each page separately.

I have previously posted a simple 1-page book report. It can be used by beginners or more advanced students to force brevity and work on summarizing skills. Here it is:

I have also developed a fuller book report for the more advanced reader. Remember when answering the questions to use proper sentences, and the good paragraph structure with opening sentence, supporting sentences, and closing statements. This structure can be used for book reports at any grade level. I have given an example using JK Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban".

Enjoy your reading!


  1. HI Lisa....I just found your Blog and these wonderful templates! I have an 11 & 7yr old son and both struggle with putting their thoughts down on paper after reading a book. How do I print these off from your site!
    Thanks Erica

    1. Hi Erica
      You should be able to click on each image and print that page off right from the website. If you don't have a print icon in a toolbar in your browser, then you can click the image page, right-click, and print should be an option. You will have to print each page separately. They will print as pdf's.
      I'm glad you find these useful. Feel free to browse the archives for other math and English worksheets. I am currently working on more and I hope to publish them soon.

  2. Thanks for these sheets. Many people will surely find this to be handy in the future.

    master's degree in statistics

  3. I like your book report guide quite alot. Thank you for sharing your skill and experience.

  4. I like your book report guide quite alot. Thank you for sharing your skill and experience.
