November 7, 2010

Free worksheets - Area and Perimeter

I read recently about making math fun. I have tried different ways to make things tangible for Shane and/or bring baseball into the discussion in some way. So, with my worksheets, I'm going to start with a warm-up at the beginning of each. It will either be an exercise, a craft, a riddle, or a word problem that's a little fun and gets Shane moving or starts him off interested in the subject.

This one, for calculating area and perimeter of 2D shapes, has a joke and a simple exercise that hopefully is challenging but gets him thinking about area in a tangible way. There will be a second area/perimeter worksheet, where he will be calculating how much paint is needed to paint a wall, or how many tiles are needed for a roof - this brings it into real life.

So here are the first Area/Perimeter worksheets.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing math worksheets.The topic which has the most real life usage is area and volume.There is a chapter in the books of students of every class about Mensuration which includes area and volume of plane and solid figures.
