October 9, 2010

Reading Iqbal - grade 10 English worksheets

Shane is reading the novel, Iqbal, for English, and I've made up some worksheets. The book is "Iqbal" by Francesco D'Adamo. It is based on a true story of a child slave in Pakistan, and (spoiler alert) it is not light reading. The entire story is meant to be thought-provoking, with several opportunities to form opinions. As we get deeper into the book, I will be using it to practice opinion essays (5 paragraphs, that follow a structure - more on this in a few weeks).

Recently, I've been trying hard to cater more to Shane's individual learning style. He is more auditory, prefering quiet environments where he can just listen without distractions, and we sing or use music to memorize. My backup approach is kinesthetic (acting things out helps and relating things to tastes or textures).

For Iqbal, we have gone over the cover and read the first chapter together. Here are 3 types of questions prepared, depending on your child's learning style: auditory (hearing), visual (seeing), or kinesthetic (tasting and touching).

AUDITORY STYLE QUESTIONS: do these orally if this is easier.


VISUAL STYLE QUESTIONS. Search pictures on the internet to help visualize.

Not all children learn exclusively in a single style, but most are more comfortable in one. If a particular question is not getting through, try a different style.


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